Thursday 20 November 2008

Ordinary things

I've not had much to write about recently.

I got almost all my Christmas shopping done and I love getting all the parcels delivered. I'm delighted with the wooden dinosaurs I ordered for the boys. I ordered the whole set of them (six altogether) because I am utterly pathetic and couldn't bring myself to 'reject' any of them. They're fantastic though and I'm so pleased I got them.
All the books have arrived and my soap/bath salt making items too. Ben got something a little more extravagant as he's only getting a handful of presents - a tiger wheely bug. It's adorable and I hope he likes it. Just art and craft supplies to go and I'm done.

Laura had an interview for her midwifery course in Sheffield recently and rang me at 11pm a few nights ago (I was in bed!) to tell me she got an offer of a place. She seems very excited and I'm really pleased for her. I didn't think she'd have any issues though! Part of me would still like to do midwifery but I'm not sure I could work for the NHS. I hope she doesn't become too blindsighted by medical scaremongering.

Joseph has been a bit under the weather recently. He's got a rotten cough which is keeping him up at night and he's been quite wheezy too. I think he's probably going to end up being diagnosed with asthma and some point. Unfortuantely. I hoped I would avoid passing that on. Though I will take heart in the fact that if any of them do develop asthma at least I probably delayed the onset and, hopefully, the severity by breastfeeding.

I took him to the Drs on Monday and they prescribed a small course of anti-biotics. More worryingly they also detected a heart murmur. It's likely to be an innocent one but I'm taking him back for a check-up in 3 weeks time and he'll be referred for investigation if necessary. I'm fairly certain it will be nothing serious but I think it's best to be certain.
I find it difficult to trust the hospital after Ben's birth debacle but still...
I really must get around to writing his birth story at some point. It's been almost 13 months and I still haven't been able to bring myself to do it. I can't decide whether it will be cathartic or just unpleasant to write it all down. I'm excited and nervous to be more prepared and fight for the birth I want with another baby though.

I'm working at saving money and being a little more environmentally conscious. We've stuck with the bread making. It's becoming something of an addiction. Loaves, rolls, foccacia, baguettes, garlic bread... and it's much cheaper too.
I've ordered some soapnuts for doing the laundry - talking of which I wonder whether they should have arrived by now? I might have to follow up on that - and I'm planning on starting to make my own cleaning products after the stuff I have runs out. Apart from anything I think they must have changed the 'recipe' recently. Even though I use it sparingly it really hits the back of my throat and makes me cough.
I'm managing to keep to my shopping budget but I know I could cut it down more. I wish I'd done it from the start but I think I'll get some (cheap and basic if I can find them!) cloth nappies for Ben when I have some money available and I might see how the boys go without pull ups on at night. I think it's habit more than anything and they'll probably be fine. Their mattress is waterproof anyway so if I throw a towel down it won't be the end of the world. I'll see what they think about it.

The boys are all at home with Daddy today. I think he's planning on taking them out for a long, wintery walk. I hope they all have fun.
As for me, I'm glad it's almost the weekend. The house needs sprucing up and we're going to make salt dough Christmas tree decorations to give out to people. Possibly in lieu of cards but we might make some of those too.

1 comment:

Ashton Lamont said...

Heya, long time no see....just to say I linked yer blog from mine, hope you don't mind!