Saturday 8 November 2008

Wrestling and Weddings

A slow morning. Breakfast. Lots of wrestling and rough and tumble with Daddy while I tried to make the house look semi-respectable. Housework is a constant battle. It was while I was at home and it is even more so now that I am working. I don't want to waste my time making my house sparkle but it demotivates me and drags me down when it is a complete and utter tip. I need some sort of half way mark. As a compromise it tends to look 'lived in' as opposed to pigsty. But just occasionally it gets to be the latter!

In the afternoon we went to look at a prospective wedding venue. Here:

It was really quite nice. It's out towards Bangor so it will be about an hours drive from the ceremony. The room we would be having is being done up at the moment so it will be all new and lovely. The grounds are pleasant though not exactly what you'd call rambling and the woman who dealt with us seemed friendly and not dismissive like some of the places we've seen. Most importantly, Ryan likes it. So we're probably going to go with it and put a deposit down in the next couple of days. My only issue is that they have more than one wedding/event per day and there is another small wedding on the same day as ours. However I suppose I can deal with that, mainly because so many of the places I wanted to look at are already booked. I can't believe I'm running out of time and the wedding is a year and a half away! Still, I'm happy with the choice and glad to finally have it organised.

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