Sunday 2 November 2008

Lazy like Sunday morning.

We had a very lazy day today. So lazy in fact that the boys were still in their pyjamas come tea time.

I had a lie in and did the food shopping. There have been some serious price hikes again. For example the yogurts I buy for the boys have gone from 48p to £1.19 in a matter of weeks! I was often to be found staring at a shelf, mouth agape and head shaking in disgust. All things considered I am impressed that the food bill for the week came to £70. It has strengthened my resolve to have a veg patch/pots in the garden though. And I'm highly considering making all my own bread from now on too. Shop bought bread is over priced, heavy on the yeast and has a ridiculously high salt content.

The boys did some drawing and had an afternoon nap as they were very grumpy by lunch time. Jack really enjoys drawing and I had a great time watching him. He drew a 'big fat banana' and a 'round green apple'. He very diligently drew a snail shell spiral that got out of control and took over the page. He also drew a puppy, with a big head, eyes and nose and a tiny body and some little legs. I thought it was pretty impressive for a 3 year old. Plus it's very cute!

And my achievement for the day was making my very first roast chicken dinner! It was yummy. The carcass and left over meat will be used to make a big chicken stew/soup for dinner tomorrow.

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