Saturday 1 November 2008


I think it's partially because their speech development has been so slow but I often have difficulty getting the boys to respond appropriately to situations and TELL me what the problem is rather than instantly crying or whining.

In light of that I felt this was a small victory.

On the way home from Oxford Island today I gave the three of them raisins to snack on until we got home. A couple of minutes in Jack started a high-pitched incoherent howl.

'Jack, I can't understand you when you cry like that. Talk to me using words please.'

*wailing continues*

'I can't help unless I can understand what the problem is. I need you to talk to me.'

*wailing continues... then stops*

'I'm upset because I dropped my raisins and I can't reach.'
(although I can't lie, he didn't say it this eloquently!)

I was so pleased I stopped the car and picked up the raisins for him, even though we were only a mile and a half from home.

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