Saturday 29 November 2008

Arbitrary emotion

Occasionally my children will say something that seems innocuous buts hits me hard. I'm never sure why.

This evening Jack and Joseph were sitting with their Daddy watching Jurassic Park (age appropriate? Perhaps not but they don't appear overly sensitive to the more graphic scenes). I was out in the hall with Ben who was 'helping' me hang wet washing up on the clothes horse (another aside: soap nuts and lemon essential oil - yummy!).

Anyway at the end of the film there is a scene with a T-rex attacking some smaller dinosaurs. I overheard one of the boys - Joey I think - saying to Ryan:

'That's the baby dinosaur's Mummy'.

It made me feel heart-achingly sad for a moment. So much so that I'm thinking about it even now and was tempted to text my Mum to ask if I was insane. I think it is possibly the beautiful innocence of the statement. The total purity of the misunderstanding. I'm sad that they're going to lose that. I'm not sure if anyone knows what I mean. I'm not even sure if I do!

For the cute factor I also overheard them discussing dinosaur names (we are BIG into dinosaurs at the moment). Ryan asked 'what is this dinosaur (a triceratops) called?'.
The boys thought hard for a moment. Their answer?

'A rhino-saurus'.

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