Sunday 9 November 2008


Ben had a very off night last night. He woke up at least hourly and seemed agitated. He was throwing himself around and crying and couldn't decide whether he wanted milk, didn't want milk, wanted cuddles, didn't want cuddles. He was clearly exhausted but something was stopping him from relaxing into a deep sleep.

Whatever the reason it was an exhausting night because of it. Fortunately Sunday is my lie-in morning so I got to catch up on some sleep. J and J were awake early and all three of them were a bit tired and grumpy.

With this in mind I'm not sure why I thought it was a good idea to brave the weeks shopping - alone - with all of them in tow. I've never done it before but it went suprisingly well after an initial battle over who would walk/ride in the trolley. I gave J and J a shopping list with 4 items each that they had to look out for. Ben went in the sling and 'helped' push the trolley but he fell asleep about half way around the shops. J and J both ended up walking around holding onto the trolley and fetching relevant items. A success all in all and I was really pleased with them.

We went round to Nanny's house for tea and they all got spoiled rotten as usual. Far more than I would like to be honest but I'm not really sure how to address it. They get treated like princes: waited on hand and foot and given junk food upon junk food as they demand it. My authority seems practically non-existent and I spend my time thinking 'These aren't my children - these are spoiled little brats!'.

It was after 9pm when we got home so the sproglets all went straight to bed. I sorted out some washing and got the boys clothes ready for tomorrow. Then I started baking bread in a fit of madness and it's now 11.30pm and I'm waiting for it to cool so I can go to bed...

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