Wednesday 15 April 2009


Everything is growing.

The boys are very excited by their cress.

And their sunflowers - barely starting to peep through the earth! We also planted pumpkins at their insistence but no sign of them yet and I'm not certain how successful they will be!

Some tiny little violas, struggling against all the odds to flower. The soil in our garden is 80% clay and 20% rocks. I'm lucky if I can get anything to grow.

More viola, lavender and hyacinths. I love hyacinth and they smell absolutely gorgeous but I always think they're a very poorly designed flower, leaning drunkenly against each other for support.

I wish my garden was more 'growth' friendly though. It's a battle to get any sort of life that isn't grass, terrifyingly huge weeds and the odd renegade cat on the prowl.

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