Wednesday 30 July 2008

I don't want to forget... (a memory bank post)

... the finger people. Jack and Joseph are developing imaginations and starting to role play more. A lot of this seems to involve cars at the moment. They have a variety of little toy cars but no little toy people so they use their fingers as the people. The fingers stomp up and down the tables, across the sofas. They climb into the car and go to the shops. They talk in adorably high pitched voices. It's very entertaining to watch.

... Ben's developing 'language'. I don't seem to have very vocal babies in spite of the fact that myself and my siblings were all very quick developers in this area. Ben is starting to repeat sounds more and more. This morning he was insistently blowing raspberries onto Ryan's knee while he drank his morning coffee. Ryan leaned over, pointed to himself and said 'Da Da'. Ben looked up with a big grin and said very deliberately 'Daaa ... Daaa'. Very cute. He has also imitated me sneezing today. Of course a lot of his communicating still consists of "drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" (that's him rolling his tongue by he way in case that isn't, er, obvious!). Strange child.

1 comment:

Ashton Lamont said...

Hiya! didn't realise you blogged too!....i shall be reading with interest!