Wednesday 30 July 2008

A nobel and many splendoured thing.

J and J had just had their morning snack. I nipped upstairs to the bathroom and returned to find Jack surreptitiously helping himself to 'biscuits' (in actual fact they were peppered oat cakes).

'Jack, you just had your snack. Those are Daddy's biscuits.'

Jack looks up at me a little sheepishly.

'Yes. Daddy's biccies. Me sharing Daddy's biccies.'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

All in all though today has been "one of those days". Most communicating (and I'm being very generous here) has been done through whining/crying and even the usually mild mannered Benjamin has been somewhat trying.
Joseph sat quietly and did a jigsaw puzzle all by himself. He was so proud; it was just adorable. It didn't last. He grazed his finger while I was otherwise engaged with washing the dishes and oh! the drama! oh, the pain!

"Mice finger Mummy," he wailed, holding his arm out desperately before me, "Mice finger is SORE".
Two hours later he is still treating it gingerly, wandering around folornly with it held out at an angle.

Well. All is quiet. As for me, I have a phone call to make.

PS: Yes, obviously 'mice' means 'mine'. It's an interesting mispronunciation of theirs, but then they have many.

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