Friday 5 December 2008


Today is not a good day.

It's been a very slow week. I've had nothing to do at work and I've been feeling rather fed up for a variety of reasons that I don't have the energy to go in to.

Today though...

I fell asleep on the train sometime between the last 3 stops and woke up just as the train was pulling out of Belfast central. I ended up standing in Sydenham in the freezing cold and rain waiting for a train back to my stop. I was over an hour late for work. Thank God for flexi time. Though I resent having to work late tonight because of it.

Then Ryan text me about 45 minutes after I arrived saying 'Phone me now'.
Well that was enough to scare the crap out of me. What was wrong? Had something happened to one of the children? Was there a financial problem? What could be so urgent?

It turned out he woke up this morning (it's his day off) and had a large and unusual swelling/lump on his leg. He also feels very breathless and tired. I told him to ring the Drs as those are very weird symptoms that I feel ought to be checked out. They wont' see him til 4.20pm and now I've scared myself with thoughts of DVT and aneurysms. I want him to go to the hospital just in case.

And typically, in my state of stress, I have lots of work coming my way for the first time ALL week. I mean literally I've had nothing to do until now. Why? It's like a phenomenal cosmic joke. I don't even know how to do half of the stuff that is requested of me.

I'm feeling VERY on edge.

At least Ben is better...

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