Tuesday 30 December 2008

In Memory

For my Grandma, who died on 27th December 2008.

For my Grandma, who was quiet, kind and patient. Who rarely, if ever that I recall, raised her voice or uttered a cross word.

Who was the most amazing cook. I know nearly everyone thinks this about their Grandparents but it's true. Every Saturday tea time for many many years. Delicious soups and stews with countless loaves of milk roll for dipping. Braising steak that I don't think I'll ever be able to emulate. Chocolate pudding and custard. Apple and rhubarb pie. Bakewell tart. Jam tarts. Flavours and smells that will forever evoke memories of safe, lazy Saturday evenings and full tummies, sitting in front of the fire playing knock-out whist and draughts and watching the football results come in.

Who always had a 'Grandma bag' ready for us to take home on a Saturday evening, full of treats and goodies for the week ahead.

Who knitted cardigans for us as babies and jumpers for us as children, especially the beloved dinosaur jumpers. Mine was stone coloured with a yellow long necked dinosaur. I remember it fondly and wish I still had it.
Who made perfect sized baby clothes for all my dolls.
Who was always reading and regularly picked up second hand books for me. The shelves in my bedroom were full of old copies of Famous Five, Secret Seven and Five Find-Outers books with 25p stickers on them.
Who sat in the sun room with us when it was raining and had 'raindrop races' down the windows.

I regret how little I have seen of all my Grandparents this year. It's sad to see them becoming people I don't know; people that they would not recognise as themselves.

After a difficult couple of years I very much hope she is at peace.

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