Wednesday 7 October 2009

A quick update

Oh how neglectful I've been again! Yadda yadda!

I'm at work at the moment. The person I need to ask for help is away on lunch so I'm being productive and updating my blog instead. Besides which I'm ill yet again which makes concentrating on coding (which I'm not that good at anyway) quite difficult. Only a grotty cold this time but I've also had a headache for 3 days and as a total headache wimp this is bothering me. Pregnancy and my immune system clearly don't get on.

Talking of which I am almost 15 weeks now. It still doesn't feel quite real. In part, I think, because I haven't had a scan yet. And don't get one until 2nd november when I'll be 18+3 weeks! I think I might have started feeling movement though. Just occasional little taps towards my right hip. Looking forward to them being more regular/bigger so that I can confirm it though.
Having gone over and over my birth experience with Ben I'm almost completely decided that I want a homebirth this time. Oh how popular that is going to make me with the health professionals! A home birth? After 2 caesarean sections? Yes, I'll be spending a fun pregnancy fighting that one. I'm going to a homebirth support group that the NCT run on Saturday so hope I can round up some peer support if nothing else.

As far as the boys go everything is grand. I must get some pictures of them in their new uniforms uploaded because they started nursery school (and Ben, daycare) last month! Their teachers are lovely and I'm quite impressed with the place. They seem to be really enjoying it though I'm not enjoying the prospect of paying £100 for school dinners! I absolutely can't afford that and am going to have to talk to the school about it. Ben is doing ok in nursery too but I think he'd rather be at home. I'd rather be at home too. A year on and the dilemma of being a full time working Mum hasn't left me. If nothing else I'd like to be at least part time but as the higher earner I don't get that option. Ryan is working 6.45am to 1pm so he looks after them in the afternoons. I'm sick of being tired and snappy. I feel like a pretty rubbish Mummy at the moment in fact and now the pregnancy sickness has worn off I really need to pick up the slack.

Money is still very tight - to the point that I'm feeling incredibly guilty about the Americano I just treated myself to from Starbucks. Ryan is off to Nottingham this weekend to do his crazy 'survival of the fittest' event but fortunately wrangled some money out of his Mum for spending over there! Ben's 2nd birthday is only 2 weeks away and so far all the poor sausage has is 2 books. I have a few things I'd like to get him but I don't think he'll mind not getting much. We'll maybe go to the zoo or something for the day. He was a tiny newborn wrapped in a sling last time we went. I think he'll appreciate it more this time.

Anyway this is really turning into disconnected ramblings. It's almost 1pm and I'm about to take my lunch break and meet R for a while before he heads on home. Whereas I'm stuck in here 'til 5.45pm. Sigh.

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